Handmade Artisan Leatherwork

He who works with his hands is a labourer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist.
St Francis of Assisi
About Apricity

IN AN AGE OF MASS PRODUCTION and questionable quality, where obsolescence is often built in, Apricity Leatherworks invites you to take a look at a selection of bespoke leatherware items in the gallery below which shows examples of the craftsmanship, design and quality of our products.
Apricity is a small Artisan workshop near Brighton where I work with a passion to make beautiful and distinctive leather goods, every item being hand crafted and hand stitched with care and attention to detail. Creating luxury items to love and to cherish today and for years to come.
Andy Forsey
Noun. apricity – ‘The warmth of the Sun in winter’
Bespoke Leather Creations

ONLY THE BEST MATERIALS are used for the products I make:
- J & FJ Bakers in Devon, the last remaining Oak bark Tannery in the UK, for top quality bridle leather
- AA Crack & Sons in Northampton, at the historical heart of the leather industry, for Stevedore Belting leather
- Solid Brass, Nickel or Stainless Steel fittings from Abbey, England
- All items are hand stitched using the finest threads – Lin Cable thread for our small bespoke items and Tiger thread for increased rot resistance where products will have more robust use
- All edges are bevelled, burnished, dyed and polished to ensure durability and a beautiful finish
- All leather items shown on this website are entirely handmade and finished here in Brighton, England
Gallery of work examples

All the items in the gallery below can be made to order including bespoke one-off creations. If you see something that you think you might like, or maybe to purchase as a present, just email or call me to discuss your requirements – I’m always happy to help.
Please click or tap an image for a larger view. . .
Thanks for visiting

Above are just a few examples of bespoke leather items I have made.
I can also work with you to create your own unique item and I’m always available to help with any design, colour and finish options.

Get in touch

Please feel free to contact me with any enquiries or if you would like to find out more about Apricity . . .
Apricity Leatherworks, 22 Ferndale Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 6EU
Call Andy on 07710 661944
website by brianharrisdesign